DOMINIC WALTON Sergeant at Arms & Part-Time Area Representative
Berkeley Heights -
East Orange - Gillette - Glen Ridge - Newark (Roseville-South/Weequaic-Vailburg) Old Bridge (Spotswood) - Orange (West Orange) - Parlin - Sterling
began his postal career in the Orange/ West Orange installation in December 1987. In 1993, he was elected shop
steward. In 2007, he was appointed chief shop steward for his installation. He proudly serves on the Branch 38 Executive Board as a Trustee.
In August of 2014, he was appointed to the position of Part-Time Area Representative. He has also served as leader to IRRAAP, J RAAP, and MIRAAP
programs. Dominic currently serves as the lead COR technician for the NALC under the CDRAPP program